Tee Ball

Tball- Starting with the 2025 season Tball will be split into two divisions:

Tball 1- Age 3/4 (must turn 4 by August 30) is strictly hitting off a tee.  There will be 15-20 minutes of skill development and 2 “innings” where each team bats through their order each game.   This division of Tball is for someone just starting off and who wants to give baseball a try.  We are excited to be able to provide free registration to this division this year!

Tball 2- Age 5/6  Soft-toss coach pitch for 3 pitches, and then hitting of a tee.  There will be 15 minutes of skill development and then 2 innings where “outs” will be allowed.   This is for kids who have some experience and are ready for more game play.   The registration fee for this division will be $50 this year.

Any child who is 6 years old with multiple years of Tball is encouraged to move up into Coach Pitch for baseball and Pitching Machine for softball.


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